Sorting your money needs

If you are looking to buy a vehicle, we would love to help you sort your money needs.

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Why choose AA Money?

Trusted NZ brand

Borrow with confidence

Since 1903, the AA has helped millions of Kiwis in times of need. Choose a loan backed by the brand you can trust.

Quick Easy process

Quick & easy process

Fill out our simple online application form or call us on 0800 500 555 to have one of our friendly lending specialists help you through the process.

No surprise costs

No surprise costs

All of our fees are communicated to you up front and there are no hidden costs.

How do I get a loan?


Get it sorted today

  1. Complete our simple application form

  2. Send us any supporting documentation we ask for

  3. If successful, your loan will be paid out!

Want even more information about applying? Go to our application guide.

Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply.

Want even more information about applying? Go to our application guide.

Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply.

We can help sort all your vehicle needs

Choose a loan with the name more Kiwis trust

AA Member benefits

AA Member Benefits

AA Members receive a $50 establishment fee discount upon presentation of a valid AA Membership number.

AA brand

The AA

The AA has been trusted with helping millions of Kiwis through life’s journeys since 1903. Since then the AA has expanded to provide many diverse services including finance. AA Money would like to help you sort your money needs.


Fixed Interest Rates

Enjoy a competitive interest rate fixed for the term of your loan.

Apply with ease

Using our fast and secure approval process